Review Score:2.0
Number of Customer Reviews: 1
★★☆☆☆ -
A simple case gone bad - Glenn Rosenfeldt - 1/22/2013 -
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commentI had what was a simple case , Gary for lack of effort on his part , and believing it was a simple case did nothing to prepare for it. I was doing my doctoring thing Gary was expecting me to bring him his case and give it him an his job was done. But Gary didn't didn't care for our judge,weeks went by an opening came for a hearing with another judge from out east, who was here to help with the case load. How bad could could he be Gary asks me? So we take the opening 3 months or so early Gary is unprepared for court as he doesn't have my surgeons letters which were the most important and centerpiece of the hearing. An of course we lost . Gary says that we can appeal that decision but we have to get better prepared. WE have to . New contrac 25 percent. WHY? Time goes by we talk about the case how an when we will proceed . Then I get a call from Gary who says We did not get Our brief in on time. I said what do you mean WE DID NOT a brief on time? He just said we missed the dead line an now it gets kicked up to the next higher court I want to appeal an we can't bring any new evidence and it's just more complicated . An of course now Gary wants another contract paying him big bucks for a case that was so simple to begin with! So I bring thousands of dollars to Gary. Come back Monday he says he calls and QUITS . I'm out 4 yrs ssd benefits.