Gelman and Norberg, LLC, Law Firm
Business Transactions and Litigation, Real Estate Transactions and Litigation, Construction Transactions and Lit...
Phone:303-740-8494, 303-740-8495
Address: 5990 Greenwood Plaza Boulevard, Suite 118, Greenwood Village, CO 80111
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1. Douglas B. Norberg
Title: Member
Law School: University of North Dakota, B.A., 1994, J.D., with distinction, 1997; University of Olso School of Law, Norway, International Studies, 1995; University of Denver School of Law, 1997
Admitted: University of North Dakota, B.A., 1994, J.D., with distinction, 1997; University of Olso School of Law, Norway, International Studies, 1995; University of Denver School of Law, 1997
Practice Area: Landlord and Tenant Law, Business Law, Collections, Construction Law, Landlord, Tenant, Libel, Slander, Business-Commercial Litigation, Business-Financial Institutions, Business-Franchises, Real Estate-Commercial, Real Estate-Leases, Real Estate-Litigation, Real Estate-Residential, Commercial Real Estate, Residential Property, Real Estate, Real Estate
Membership: Arapahoe, Colorado and American (Member, Litigation Section, 1997?) Bar Associations.

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