Gordon & Weinberg, P.C., Law Firm
Collections, Commercial, Retail, Consumer, Subrogation, Student Loans, FDCPA Defense, Personal Injury, Medical M...
Address: 1001 E. Hector St., Ste. 220, Conshohocken, PA 19428
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1. Dawn Marshall
Title: Director of Operations
Law School:
Practice Area:

2. Matthew Marren
Title: Collection Manager
Law School:
Practice Area:

3. Jonathan Engel
Title: Director of Business Development
Law School:
Practice Area:

4. Christopher Scott Froba
Title: Associate
Law School: Seton Hall University, Class of 2001, J.D.
College: University of Delaware, Class of 1995, B.A.
Admitted: Seton Hall University, Class of 2001, J.D.
Practice Area: Personal Injury

5. Frederic Ivan Weinberg, Esq.
Title: Managing Partner
Law School: George Washington University, Class of 1984, J.D.
College: LaSalle University, Class of 1981, B.A., maxima cum laude
Admitted: George Washington University, Class of 1984, J.D.
Practice Area: Personal Injury (Plaintiff), Medical Malpractice, Products Liability, Workmen's Compensation, Small Business, Corporate, Domestic Relations

6. Marc R. Gordon
Title: Partner
Law School: Temple University School of Law, Class of 1973, J.D.
College: Pennsylvania State University, Class of 1969, B.A.
Admitted: Temple University School of Law, Class of 1973, J.D.
Practice Area: Civil Litigation

7. Joel Marc Flink
Title: Associate
Law School: Duquesne University, Class of 1984, J.D.
College: Temple University, Class of 1981, B.B.A.
Admitted: Duquesne University, Class of 1984, J.D.
Practice Area: Personal Injury, Commercial Collections, Bankruptcy, Construction Contracts

The above table lists lawyers practicing law at the law firm of Gordon & Weinberg, P.C.. The number of lawyers in Gordon & Weinberg, P.C. is 4.

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