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Gradisar, Trechter, Ripperger & Roth, Law Firm
General Civil Trial Practice, Business Law, Banking Law, Bankruptcy, Real Estate, Family Law, Personal Injury, W...
Address: 1836 Vinewood, Ste. 200, Pueblo, CO 81005
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1. Nicholas Anthony Gradisar
Title: Member
Law School: Drake University, Class of 1976, J.D., with honors
College: University of Southern Colorado, Class of 1971, B.S.
Admitted: Drake University, Class of 1976, J.D., with honors
Practice Area: Personal Injury Law, Commercial Litigation, Employment Law, Insurance Law, Labor Law, Litigation, Personal Injury/Property

2. Charles Dyer Trechter
Title: Member
Law School: University of Colorado, Class of 1972, J.D.
College: Colorado School of Mines, Class of 1969, P.E.
Admitted: University of Colorado, Class of 1972, J.D.
Practice Area: Business Law, Family Law, School Law

3. James J Ripperger
Title: Member
Law School: Rutgers University, Class of 1972, J.D.
College: University of Notre Dame, Class of 1969, B.A.
Admitted: Rutgers University, Class of 1972, J.D.
Practice Area: Domestic Law, Child Custody, Juvenile Law

4. David Andrew Roth
Title: Member
Law School: University of Oregon, Class of 1993, J.D.
College: Colorado School of Mines, Class of 1984, B.S.
Admitted: University of Oregon, Class of 1993, J.D.
Practice Area: Trusts, Estates, Criminal, General Practice, Employment, Estate Planning, Criminal Defense, Employment & Labor

The above table lists lawyers practicing law at the law firm of Gradisar, Trechter, Ripperger & Roth. The number of lawyers in Gradisar, Trechter, Ripperger & Roth is 5.

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