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Hanley & Associates, P.A., Law Firm
Address: 43 Main St., South-paris, ME 04281-0280
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1. Mr. Kirk G. Siegel, Esq.
Title: Member
Law School: University of Maine, Class of 1997, J.D.
College: Darmouth College, Class of 1982, B.A.
Admitted: University of Maine, Class of 1997, J.D.
Practice Area: Real Estate, Estate Planning, Contracts & Agreements, Environmental and Natural Resources, Land Use & Zoning, Power Of Attorney, Probate, Trusts

2. Ms. Linda Pam Cohen, Esq.
Title: Member
Law School: George Washington University, Class of 1984, J.D.
College: Ohio State University, Class of 1981, B.A.
Admitted: George Washington University, Class of 1984, J.D.
Practice Area: Personal Injury, Family, Estate Planning, Business, Real Estate, Civil Litigation, Criminal Law, Guardian Ad Litem, General Practice

The above table lists lawyers practicing law at the law firm of Hanley & Associates, P.A.. The number of lawyers in Hanley & Associates, P.A. is 3.

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