Practice Area: Trusts and Estates, Corporate Law, Business Law, Real Estate, Banking Law
About: Trusted Attorneys in Gaithersburg
Former Firm Names: We are proud to continue serving clients under our established name.
Clients: General Counsel for: Citizens Savings Bank F.S.B. References: Citizens Bank of Maryland, Silver Spring, Maryland; Citizens Savings Bank F.S.B., Silver Spring, Maryland; Suburban Federal Savings Bank; Boland-Trane Services, Inc.; Merit Concrete, Inc. Source One Mortgage Services Corp.; Pulte Home Corp.; Johnson Controls, Inc.; ICM Mortgage Corp.; Noland Co.; Dominion Electric Supply Co., Inc.; General Electric Co.; Thos. Somerville Co.; Insurance Associates, Inc.; Boland Trane Service, Inc.; Citizens Savings Bank, F.S.B.; Suburban Federal Savings Bank; Bevard Industries, Inc.; Merit Concrete, Inc.; Millville Quarry, Inc.; Rockville Crushed Stone; Silver Hill Concrete Limited Partnership; Super Concrete Corporation.
Other Office Locations: We offer remote legal services and assist clients anywhere.
References: References are shared directly with clients to ensure confidentiality.