Jack W. IvesterTitle: Member
Law School: University of Oklahoma, J.D., 1973
College: University of Oklahoma, B.B.A., 1970
Admitted: University of Oklahoma, J.D., 1973
Practice Area: Civil Litigation; Corporate Law; Partnership Law
Membership: Oklahoma Bar Association.
Thomas S. IvesterTitle: Member
Law School: University of Oklahoma, J.D., with honors, 2000
College: Texas Christian University, B.B.A., magna cum laude, 1992
Admitted: University of Oklahoma, J.D., with honors, 2000
Practice Area: Business Law; Taxation; Oil and Gas; Probate
John Ed T. IvesterTitle: Of Counsel
Law School: Oklahoma City University, J.D.
College: University of Oklahoma, B.A.
Admitted: Oklahoma City University, J.D.
Practice Area:
The above table lists lawyers practicing law at the law firm of Ivester, Ivester and Ivester. The number of lawyers in Ivester, Ivester and Ivester is 3.