Johnny M. Riddick & Associates, Law Firm
Family Law, Divorce, Custody, Visitation Rights, Marital Property Law, Separation Agreements, Pre-Nuptial Agreem...
Address: 505 Capitol Court N.E., Suite 100, Washington, DC 20002
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1. Mr. Johnny M Riddick
Title: Member
Law School: Antioch School of Law, Class of 1981, J.D.
College: Allentown College of St. Francis de Sales, Class of 1978, B.A., Political Science
Admitted: Antioch School of Law, Class of 1981, J.D.
Practice Area: Family Law, Corporate Law, Custody Law, Divorce Law, Personal Injury Law, Auto Accidents, Medical Negligence Law, Business

2. Sharon Renie Herron
Title: Associate
Law School: University of Maryland, Class of 1997, J.D.
College: University of Denver, Class of 1985, B.A.
Admitted: University of Maryland, Class of 1997, J.D.
Practice Area: Family Law, Personal Injury, Medical Malpractice, Disability Benefits, Managed Care Contracts, Social Security

3. Jasmin Ann Dabney
Title: Associate
Law School: Washington College of Law of American University, Class of 1996, J.D.
College: Pennsylvania State University, Class of 1986, B.A.
Admitted: Washington College of Law of American University, Class of 1996, J.D.
Practice Area: Employment Discrimination, Family Law, Personal Injury, Corporate Law, General Practice

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