Home > Illinois Law Firms > Elgin, IL Law Firms > Juergensmeyer and Associates, P.C.

Juergensmeyer and Associates, P.C., Law Firm
General, Civil Trial and Appellate Practice. Personal Injury, Governmental, Real Estate, Family, Workers Compens...
Phone:847-695-9800, 888-695-9822
Address: 1275 Davis Road, Suite 131, Elgin, IL 60123
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1. John E. Juergensmeyer
Title: Attorney
Law School: University of Illinois, J.D., 1963
College: University of Illinois, B.A., with high honors, 1955; Princeton University (M.A., 1957; Ph.D., 1960)
Admitted: University of Illinois, J.D., 1963
Practice Area: Civil Liability; Bankruptcy Chapter 7; Estate Planning; Family Law; Corporate Law
Membership: Illinois State Bar Association; Kane County Bar Association; Chicago Bar Association; Northwest Suburban Bar Association; American Bar Association; Attorney Title Guaranty Fund.

The above table lists lawyers practicing law at the law firm of Juergensmeyer and Associates, P.C.. The number of lawyers in Juergensmeyer and Associates, P.C. is 2.

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