Audilett Law PC, Law Firm
Insurance Defense, Products Liability Defense, Defense Of Government Entities, Defense Of Counties, Municipaliti...
Address: 335 N. Wilmot Road, Suite 500, Tucson, AZ 85711
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1. Daryl A. Audilett
Title: Member
Law School: University of Arizona, J.D., with distinction, 1983
College: Northern Arizona University, B.S., 1980
Admitted: University of Arizona, J.D., with distinction, 1983
Practice Area: Appellate Practice, Defense of Counties and Municipalities, Defense of Governmental Entities, Defense of Police Conduct Claims, Injury & Wrongful Death, Insurance, Insurance Defense, Personal Injury, Products Liability Defense, Torts, Trial Practice Section
Membership: Pima County and American Bar Associations; State Bar of Arizona; Tucson Defense Bar; Arizona Trial Lawyers Association; American Judicature Society; International Association of Chiefs of Police; Arizona Association of Chiefs of Police; Defense Research Institute.

2. John J. Kastner, Jr.
Title: Member
Law School: Hamline University, J.D., cum laude, 1996
College: University of Wisconsin-Madison, B.A., 1991
Admitted: Hamline University, J.D., cum laude, 1996
Practice Area: Wrongful Death; Insurance Defense; Insurance Bad Faith; Personal Injury; Catastrophic Injury; Police Liability; Civil Rights; Premises Liability; Insurance Coverage
Membership: Pima County, Minnesota State and American Bar Associations; State Bar of Arizona; the Morris K. Udall Chapter of the Inns of Court; Tucson Defense Bar; Arizona Association of Defense Counsel; Defense Research Institute.

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