Review Score:1.0
Number of Customer Reviews: 1
★☆☆☆☆ -
Former Client - April - 4/15/2013 -
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commentI am a former client, a single mom, who hired Mullinax on domestic relations case. Not only do I feel I was inadequately represented, but am now being sued by this attorney. I decided to end representation since it was going badly and asked what I owed. Mullinax gave me an amount and without question he was paid by my father who financially helps me and made this agreement with Mullinax. He began sending me further bills in which I answered by giving him my dad's cell number repeatedly and asked him to discuss it with who he had taken a check from with "attorney's fees paid in full" on it and cashed it. I am now being sued by him. I can no longer afford representation and my dad is battling a newly diagnosed illness and having chemo treatments. This is beyond ridiculous, but besides it being his game to prepare for trial last minute, then cancel hearings only to get you back in for more hours of "re preparation" he has also sued other former clients. He refuses to speak with my dad whie trying to intimidate a single mom whose contempt charge on ex husband was allowed by my attorney to be turned into my exes modification in which arrears of $12,000 were dropped to $1,300. There were also time sensitive matters on property money and taxes Mullinax would not address. I wish some one would have warned me about ths attorney.