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Law Offices of David Laurence Altman, Law Firm
Criminal Law; Personal Injury; Controlled Substances Law; Drug Crimes; Assault and Battery; Bribery; Burglary; C...
Phone:435-688-9999, 323-431-0160
Address: 20 North Main Street, Suite 301, St. George, UT 84770
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1. David Laurence Altman
Title: Attorney
Law School: University of California School of Law at Los Angeles, J.D.
College: Indiana University, Class of 1966, BA
Admitted: University of California School of Law at Los Angeles, J.D.
Practice Area: Criminal Law, Personal Injury, Assault and Battery, Bribery, Burglary, Criminal Defense, Criminal Fraud, DUI/DWI, Criminal Investigation, Drivers License Suspension, Driving While Intoxicated, Expungements, Felonies, Forgery, Hit and Run, Juvenile Criminal Law, Juvenile Delinquency, Misdemeanors, Search and Seizure, Shoplifting, Stalking, Theft, Vehicular Homicide, Weapons Charges, Wire Fraud, Wiretapping, Drug Crimes, Controlled Substances Law, Drug Trafficking, Accidents, Animal Attacks, Aquatic Injuries, Automobile Accidents, Automobile Negligence, Bicycle Accidents, Boating Accidents, Bodily Injury, Brain Injury, Bus Accidents, Catastrophic Injury, Dog Bites, Head Injury, Motor Vehicle Accidents, Motorcycle Accidents, Pedestrian Injuries, Plaintiffs Personal Injury, Personal Injury Arbitration, School Bus Accidents, Severe Burns, Slip and Fall, Spinal Injury, Subway Accidents, Third Party Wrongful Death, Tourist Injuries, Traumatic Brain Injury, Whiplash, Wrongful Death, White Collar Crime, Embezzlement, White Collar Criminal Defense, White Collar Fraud
Membership: Utah State Bar State Bar of California

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