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Law Offices of Shane Smith, Law Firm
Auto Accidents; Truck Accidents; DUI Victims; Pedestrian Accidents; Brain Injury; Wrongful Death.
Phone:877-647-6318, 770-631-7667
Address: 235 Peachtree St. NE, Suite 400, Atlanta, GA 30303
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1. Ron Smith
Title: Managing Attorney
Law School: Atlanta Law School, J.D., with honors, 1994
College: University of Georgia, B.S., Economics, 1991
Admitted: Atlanta Law School, J.D., with honors, 1994
Practice Area: Tort & Insurance Law; Civil Litigation; Accidents; Animal Attacks; Aquatic Injuries; Automobile Accidents; Bicycle Accidents; Boating Accidents; Bodily Injury; Brain Injury; Bus Accidents; Catastrophic Injury; Commercial Vehicle Liability; Dog Bites; Head Injury; Motor Vehicle Accidents; Motorcycle Accidents; Pedestrian Injuries; Personal Injury Appeals; Personal Injury Mediation; Plaintiffs Personal Injury; School Bus Accidents; Severe Burns; Slip and Fall; Spinal Injury; Traumatic Brain Injury; Whiplash; Wrongful Death; Social Security Appeals; Social Security Disability; Wills; Living Wills
Membership: Georgia Bar Association

2. Walter Smith
Title: Litigation Attorney
Law School:
College: University of Kentucky, B.A. in Journalism, Honors AcDean's List Academic Excellence Scholar hieved, 2007; University of Georgia, Juris Doctor, Knox Memorial Scholar, 2013
Practice Area: Litigation; Accidents; Animal Attacks; Aquatic Injuries; Automobile Accidents; Automobile Negligence; Bicycle Accidents; Boating Accidents; Bodily Injury; Brain Injury; Bus Accidents; Commercial Vehicle Liability; Dog Bites; Head Injury; Motor Vehicle Accidents; Motorcycle Accidents; Pedestrian Injuries; Personal Injury Appeals; Personal Injury Mediation; Plaintiffs Personal Injury; School Bus Accidents; Severe Burns; Slip and Fall; Spinal Injury; Traumatic Brain Injury; Whiplash; Wrongful Death
Membership: Georgia Bar Association

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