The Lawrence Firm, Law Firm
Birth Injuries, Brain And Whole Body Cooling Errors, Causes Of Birth Injuries, Cerebral Palsy, Failure To Perfor...
Phone:859-578-9130, 859-578-1032
Address: 606 Philadelphia Street, Covington, KY 41011
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1. Emily A. Hubbard
Title: Associate
Law School: Salmon P. Chase College of Law, Class of 2016, J.D.
College: Northern Kentucky University, Class of 2011, B.A.
Admitted: Salmon P. Chase College of Law, Class of 2016, J.D.
Practice Area: Medical Malpractice, Personal Injury

2. Kara M. Harp
Title: Associate
Law School: Salmon P. Chase College of Law, Class of 2014, J.D., Magna cum laude, Certificate for Excellence in Advocacy, Dean's List
College: University of Kentucky, Class of 2009, B.A., Summa cum laude, 4.0 GPA, Dean's List
Admitted: Salmon P. Chase College of Law, Class of 2014, J.D., Magna cum laude, Certificate for Excellence in Advocacy, Dean's List
Practice Area: Medical Malpractice, Personal Injury
Membership: American Association for Justice Kentucky Bar Association Kentucky Justice Association Northern Kentucky Bar Association NKBA Young Lawyers Section Cincinnati Bar Association Ohio Association for Justice.

3. Lindsay A. Lawrence
Title: Attorney
Law School: Salmon P. Chase College of Law, J.D., Order of Barristers
College: University of Cincinnati, B.A., Deans List
Admitted: Salmon P. Chase College of Law, J.D., Order of Barristers
Practice Area: Medical Malpractice, Personal Injury
Membership: American Association for Justice (AAJ), Board of Governors 2018-presentCincinnati Bar Association (CBA), MemberOhio Association for Justice (OAJ), MemberKentucky Justice Association (KJA) , Co-Chair Young Member CommitteeNorthern Kentucky Bar Association (NKBA), MemberSalmon P. Chase American Inn of… Read more American Association for Justice (AAJ), Board of Governors 2018-presentCincinnati Bar Association (CBA), MemberOhio Association for Justice (OAJ), MemberKentucky Justice Association (KJA) , Co-Chair Young Member CommitteeNorthern Kentucky Bar Association (NKBA), MemberSalmon P. Chase American Inn of Court, Board MemberSouthwest Ohio Trial Lawyers Association , MemberCincinnati Bar Association (CBA), Co-Chair Mock Trial CommitteeAmerican Association for Justice (New Lawyers Division) , Membership CommitteeAmerican Association for J

4. Michael D. Gilday
Title: Of Counsel
Law School: Salmon P. Chase College of Law, Class of 1977, J.D.
College: University of Cincinnati, Class of 1973, B.S.
Admitted: Salmon P. Chase College of Law, Class of 1977, J.D.
Practice Area: Personal Injury
Membership: Cincinnati Bar Association Southwest Ohio Trial Lawyers Association.

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