Attorney at Law
Email:Malapero, Prisco, Klauber and Licata LLP
Web Site:
Phone: 201-820-3488, 201-820-3491
Fax: 212-661-7640
Address: 61 South Paramus Road, Suite 280, Paramus, NJ 07652
Fee: $-$$$
Business Hour: Mo-Fr 09:00-17:00
Attorneys in Firm: 36
Establish Year: 1990
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Practice Area: Insurance Defense; Construction Law; Labor Law; General Practice; Insurance Coverage; Workers Compensation Defense; Commercial Litigation; Real Estate; Regulatory Proceedings.
About: Attorney at Law
Former Firm Names: We are proud to continue serving clients under our established name.
Clients: AAS Environmental, Inc. Ace/ESIS A.F.C. Enterprises AIG Construction Risk Management Group Ann Taylor Arch Insurance Group Bridge Works Butler Manufacturing Cambridge Integrated Services Incorporated CB Richard Ellis Douglas Elliman Empire Insurance Company Fleming & Hall Friendly Ice Cream Corporation GAB Robins North America Gallagher-Basset Services General Electric Capital Corp. Harleysville Insurance Companies Hershey Entertainment & Resorts Hilb, Rogal & Hobbs HRH Construction Company Insurance Corporation of New York Insituform Company Insurance Management Resources Investors Underwriting Managers, Inc. Kemper Insurance Company Liberty Mutual Insurance Company Marsh USA, Inc. McDonald's Corp. Old Republic Construction Group Peerless Insurance Company Philadelphia Insurance Companies Pierelli Cables Rainbow Shops Republic Western Insurance Company Riverbay Corporation Samson Management LLC Silverstein Properties St. Pauls Travelers 21st Century Department Stores The Gap, Inc. Turner Construction Company U-Haul Company United National Group Virginia Surety Ward North America Waste Management of New York Wausau Insurance Company Williams Corp. International Williams-Sonoma, Inc.
Other Office Locations: We offer remote legal services and assist clients anywhere.
References: References are shared directly with clients to ensure confidentiality.