MarcusBonsib, LLC, Law Firm
Civil Litigation, Criminal Law, Federal Trial, Appellate Courts, Criminal Litigation, Commercial Litigation, Bus...
Address: 6411 Ivy Lane, Suite 116, Greenbelt, MD 20770
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1. Bruce Lawrence Marcus
Title: Managing Partner
Law School: Catholic University of America, J.D., 1979
College: University of Maryland, B.S., 1976
Admitted: Catholic University of America, J.D., 1979
Practice Area: Civil Litigation, Commercial Law, Business Law, Personal Injury, Criminal Litigation, Business Crimes
Membership: Prince George's County and Montgomery County, Maryland State and American Bar Associations Maryland Criminal Defense Attorneys Association National Criminal Defense Attorneys Association The Association of Trial Lawyers of America. | Bar Fellowship: American College of Trial Lawyers.

2. Joseph A. Compofelice, Jr.
Title: Associate
Law School: University of Maryland, Baltimore, J.D., 2001
College: Salisbury State University, B.A., 1996
Admitted: University of Maryland, Baltimore, J.D., 2001
Practice Area: Civil Litigation, Family Law, Contracts, Business Law, Personal Injury
Membership: Prince Georges County, Montgomery County and American Bar Associations Maryland Trial Lawyers Association.

3. Robert C. Bonsib
Title: Member
Law School: Catholic University of America, J.D. 1974
College: Indiana University, B.A., 1971
Admitted: Catholic University of America, J.D. 1974
Practice Area: Criminal Litigation, Business Crimes, Personal Injury
Membership: Prince George County (Board of Director, 1988-1998, Past Chair, Criminal Law and Federal Practice Committees) and Maryland State (Past Chair, Criminal Law Section) Bar Associations Maryland Criminal Defense Attorney's Association National Criminal Defense Attorney's Association. | Bar Fellowship: American College of Trial Lawyers, Maryland Bar Foundation.

4. Megan Green
Title: Associate
Law School: Catholic University of America, J.D., 2008
College: University of Rochester, B.A., 2005
Admitted: Catholic University of America, J.D., 2008
Practice Area:
Membership: Prince George's County Bar Association Maryland State Bar Association Maryland Criminal Defense Attorneys Association National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers.

5. Sydney Patterson
Title: Associate
Law School:
Practice Area: Criminal, Family/Domestic, Trusts/Estates/Wills, Customs/Immigration, General Practice, Litigation/Defense

The above table lists lawyers practicing law at the law firm of MarcusBonsib, LLC. The number of lawyers in MarcusBonsib, LLC is 4. © 2012-2024 | Privacy Policy | Terms of Use | Contact Us | About Us