Practice Area: Civil Law, Federal Practice, Appellate Practice, Civil Appeals, Federal Civil Practice, Admiralty and Maritime Law, Amicus Support, Business Law, Construction Law, Entertainment Law, Estate Law, Health Care, Health Care Litigation, Insurance Coverage, Insurance Defense, Automobile Insurance Defense, Commercial Insurance Defense, Casualty Insurance Defense, Automobile Liability Defense, Fire Insurance Defense, First and Third Party Insurance Defense, General Liability Defense, Insurance Coverage Defense, Matrimonial Law, Premises Liability, Premises Liability Defense, Negligence, Negligence Defense, Products Liability, Professional Liability, Medical Malpractice, Medical Malpractice Defense, Medical Negligence, Toxic Torts, Public Law, Punitive Damages, Real Property
About: Mauro Lilling Naparty LLP is the largest firm in New York dedicated exclusively to litigation strategy and appellate advocacy.
Former Firm Names: We are proud to continue serving clients under our established name.
Clients: American International Group (AIG);
American Transit Insurance Company;
ACE North American Claims;
Allied World Assurance Company;
Catholic Health Services of Long Island;
Century Insurance Group;
CHE Trinity Health;
Clermont Specialty Managers;
County of Suffolk;
CNA Insurance;
Discover Re;
Empire Insurance Group;
ExxonMobil Corporation;
Fireman’s Fund;
FOJP Service Corporation;
Ford Motor Company;
General Star;
Greater New York;
Liberty International Underwriters;
Liberty Mutual;
MCIC Vermont;
Meadowbrook Insurance Group;
Medical Liability Mutual Insurance Company;
Medical Protective Company;
Munich Reinsurance Company;
National Indemnity Company;
Nationwide Insurance Company;
New York State Insurance Fund;
NYU Langone Health;
North Shore-LIJ Health Systems;
OMS National Insurance;
One Beacon Insurance;
Otis Elevator;
Peerless Insurance;
Philadelphia Insurance Companies;
Physicians’ Reciprocal Insurers;
Selective Insurance;
Town of North Hempstead;
Torus Insurance;
United Parcel Service;
Universal Health Services, Inc.;
Winthrop University Hospital;
Zurich North America
Other Office Locations: We offer remote legal services and assist clients anywhere.
References: References are shared directly with clients to ensure confidentiality.