Practice Area: Corporate Law, Tax Law, Employment Law, Real Estate, Trusts And Estates, Bankruptcy, Commercial Litigation, Intellectual Property
About: Attorney at Law
Former Firm Names: We are proud to continue serving clients under our established name.
Clients: Abbott Laboratories; AES Londonderry, LLC; Algonquin Power Fund; Allied Capital SBLC Corp.; Banknorth, N.A.; BAUER Nike Hockey U.S.A., Inc.; BayCorp Holdings, Ltd.; Bedford Commons OB/GYN, P.A.; CCA Global Partners; Centorr/Vacuum Technology; Chicago Title Insurance Company; Child & Family Services of New Hampshire; Community Bank & Trust Company; Citizens Bank New Hampshire; City of Claremont; City of Portsmouth; CUES; Dharma Systems, Inc.; EigenSoft, Inc.; GE Capital Asset Funding; GE Capital Small Business Finance; Greater Nashua Housing & Development Foundation; Heidelberg Web Systems; Hitchiner Manufacturing Co., Inc.; Hunt Community; Hunt Holding Corporation of Nashua; Hyundai Motor Company; Irving Oil; JD Cahill Co, Inc.; Jewelry Creations; KeyBank National Association; KeySpan Energy Delivery New England; Kluber Lubrication North America L.P.; Kollsman, Inc.; Maine Oxy-Acetylene Supply Company; Maxilon Laboratories, LLC; Manchester Water Works; Microsoft Corporation; Monadnock Paper Mills, Inc.; Moran Towing and Transportation; Nashua Motor Express; NEXIQ Technologies, Inc.; Northeast Auction; Ovation Products Corporation; Pat's Peak Ski Area; Pennichuck Water Works; Pfeiffer Vacuum Technology; Prexar LLC; Quinn Bros. Corp.; Regional Services and Education Center, Inc.; Riverside Cartop Carriers; Sheraton Hotel - Portsmouth; Shorty's Mexican Roadhouse; Sovereign Bank; St. Joseph Hospital of Nashua, NH; St. Paul's School; Summit Packaging Systems; Synagro;
Other Office Locations: We offer remote legal services and assist clients anywhere.
References: References are shared directly with clients to ensure confidentiality.