Municipal Records In Georgia

Municipal Records In Georgia

Email:Municipal Records In Georgia

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Phone: (678) 381-1455

Fax: (678) 381-1455

Address: Atlanta, GA 30313, United States, Atlanta, GA GA 30308

Fee: $-$$$

Business Hour: Mo-Fr 09:00-17:00

Attorneys in Firm: 30308

Establish Year:

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Lawyers in Municipal Records In Georgia

Practice Area: Georgia Open Records Act (KORA) permits its citizens the right to get access to records controlled by government bodies, Records related to arrest records, marriage and divorce licenses, court public records the citizens, records of traffic violations.

About: Georgia Open Records Act (KORA) permits its citizens the right to get access to records controlled by government bodies, Records related to arrest records, marriage and divorce licenses, court public records the citizens, records of traffic violations.

Former Firm Names: Municipal Records In Georgia

Clients: Our clients value our commitment to privacy and professionalism.

Other Office Locations: We offer remote legal services and assist clients anywhere.

References: References are shared directly with clients to ensure confidentiality.

Team Members

    No active lawyers have been listed under Municipal Records In Georgia.
    The firm's practice areas include Georgia Open Records Act (KORA) permits its citizens the right to get access to records controlled by government bodies, Records related to arrest records, marriage and divorce licenses, court public records the citizens, records of traffic violations.. Please call (678) 381-1455 to find out more about the legal services.


Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Where is the law firm located?
A: The law firm is located at Atlanta, GA 30313, United States, Atlanta, GA GA 30308.

Q: What are the law firm's practice areas?
A: The firm specializes in Georgia Open Records Act (KORA) permits its citizens the right to get access to records controlled by government bodies, Records related to arrest records, marriage and divorce licenses, court public records the citizens, records of traffic violations..

Q: Does the law firm offer free consultations?
A: Yes, the law firm offers a 30-minute free consultation for new clients. Policy might change at any time, please contact us by email [email protected] to verify in writing.

Q: What are the law firm’s hours of operation?
A: Its opening hours are Mo-Fr 09:00-17:00.Operating hours may change and can be affected by holidays. Please call (678) 381-1455 to make an appointment.

Customer Reviews Write a Review

Review Score:5.0
★★★★★ - The team was prompt and attentive.

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