Nossaman LLP, Law Firm
General Civil Practice, Administrative Law, Regulatory Law, Antitrust, Trade Regulation, Unfair Competition, App...
Address: 2111 Wilson Blvd., Ste. 700, Arlington, VA 22201-3052
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1. Carl Lawrence Blumenstein
Title: Partner
Law School: University of California, Berkeley School of Law, Class of 1986, J.D.
College: Princeton University, Class of 1982, A.B., cum laude
Admitted: University of California, Berkeley School of Law, Class of 1986, J.D.
Practice Area: Insurance, Toxic Torts, Labor and Employment, Litigation

2. Simon Joseph Santiago
Title: Partner
Law School: Washington College of Law of American University, Class of 1996, J.D., magna cum laude
College: University of Illinois, Class of 1993, B.A.
Admitted: Washington College of Law of American University, Class of 1996, J.D., magna cum laude
Practice Area: Transportation, Government Contracts, Construction Law

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