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Octavio Salinas, II, Law Firm
Criminal Law, Personal Injury
Address: 213 West Village Boulevard, Suite 6, Laredo, TX 78041-2283
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Attorney Firm:Octavio Salinas, II
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Practice Area:Criminal Law, Personal Injury
Establish Year:-
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Attorneys in Firm:1

Octavio Salinas, II is located at 213 West Village Boulevard, Suite 6 Laredo, TX 78041-2283. Its phone number is 956-727-4942.

Its practice areas include Criminal Law, Personal Injury The number of attorneys at Octavio Salinas, II is 1. There are more than 1.3 million lawyers in United States. We suggest you contact other law firms nearby before making any decisions.

During your evaluation process, you should consider whether the lawyers at Octavio Salinas, II offer free consultation, (if not) how much the initial interview costs, what's the fee schedule, if there is any hidden attorney fees, whether they have good community reputation and are able to provide a list of good references. You can also contact the Board of Professional Responsibility of the state bar, to find out if the lawyers have ever been placed under any disciplinary actions. Please be aware that, though Octavio Salinas, II's office is located at Laredo, TX, the lawyers might belong to the bar association of other states. So you should also find out in which state the lawyers are licensed to practice law, whether they are licensed at Texas, in which area are they licensed.

You should ask how long the lawyer has been in practice, how much experience he or she has in cases like yours, and more importantly, the outcomes of those cases! Focus of Lawyer's Practice and Years Practice are also very important factors in your evaluation process. The more focused the lawyers' practice areas, the better service they could provide. Anyway, do not make decisions solely on one or two factors. Trust your instinct, and only hire people you feel comfortabe working with.

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