Home > Alabama Law Firms > Tuscaloosa, AL Law Firms > Phelps, Jenkins, Gibson & Fowler, L.L.P.

Phelps, Jenkins, Gibson & Fowler, L.L.P., Law Firm
General Business, Tax Law, Corporate Matters, Industrial Development, Finance, Banking Law, Business Formation, ...
Phone:205-535-1054, 205-758-4394
Address: 1201 Greensboro Avenue (35401), Tuscaloosa, AL 35402-0848
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1. Bruce H. Henderson
Title: Partner
Law School: University of Memphis School of Law, J.D., 1982
College: Rhodes College, B.A., English, 1980
Admitted: University of Memphis School of Law, J.D., 1982
Practice Area: Employment Litigation; Labor and Employment Law; Business Litigation; Alternative Dispute Resolution
Membership: Tuscaloosa County, Tennessee and American Bar Associations; Alabama State Bar; Alabama Defense Lawyers Association; Defense Research Institute.

2. Cayman L. Caven
Title: Associate
Law School: University of Alabama School of Law, J.D.
Admitted: University of Alabama School of Law, J.D.
Practice Area:
Membership: Tuscaloosa County Bar Association; Alabama State Bar; Alabama State Bar Young Lawyers Section; Alabama State Bar Women's Section.

3. A. Courtney Crowder
Title: Partner
Law School: University of Alabama, J.D., 1983
College: University of Alabama, B.S., 1980
Admitted: University of Alabama, J.D., 1983
Practice Area: Civil Litigation; Business; Employment; Banking Litigation; Medical Malpractice Defense; Insurance Defense
Membership: Alabama State Bar; American Bar Associations; Defense Research Institute; Alabama Defense Lawyers Association.

4. Corey Gross Seale
Title: Associate
Law School: University of Alabama School of Law, J.D., 2016
Admitted: University of Alabama School of Law, J.D., 2016
Practice Area:
Membership: Tuscaloosa County Bar Association, Alabama State Bar Association, Young Lawyers Section of the Alabama State Bar, and Labor and Employment Law Section of the Alabama State Bar.

5. W. David Ryan
Title: Partner
Law School: University of Alabama, J.D., 1993
College: University of Alabama, B.A., 1990
Admitted: University of Alabama, J.D., 1993
Practice Area: Education Law, Construction Litigation, Employment Law, General Law, Administrative Proceedings
Membership: Alabama State Bar; American Bar Association.

6. Farley A. Poellnitz
Title: Partner
Law School: University of Alabama, J.D., 1984; Boston University, LL.M., in Taxation, 1985
College: University of Alabama, B.S., 1980
Admitted: University of Alabama, J.D., 1984; Boston University, LL.M., in Taxation, 1985
Practice Area: Tax Law; Corporate Law; Business Acquisitions and Sales; Real Estate Development; Bond Finance; Probate; Estate Planning
Membership: Tuscaloosa County and American Bar Associations; Alabama State Bar.

7. Clay A. Tindal
Title: Partner
Law School: University of Alabama, J.D., 2000
College: University of Southern Mississippi (B.S.B.A., 1997; M.B.A., 1998)
Admitted: University of Alabama, J.D., 2000
Practice Area: Civil Litigation; Business Litigation; Medical Malpractice
Membership: Tuscaloosa County and American Bar Associations; Alabama State Bar; Association of Trial Lawyers of America.

8. James J. Jenkins
Title: Partner
Law School: University of Alabama, LL.B., 1967
College: University of Alabama, B.A., 1964
Admitted: University of Alabama, LL.B., 1967
Practice Area: Civil Litigation; Business Litigation; Employment Law; Employment Litigation; Medical Malpractice Defense
Membership: Tuscaloosa County and American Bar Associations; Alabama State Bar; Defense Research Institute; International Association of Defense Counsel; Alabama Defense Lawyers Association; Alabama Law Foundation (Life Fellow).

9. Jessica Boyd Humber
Title: Associate
Law School: The University of Alabama School of Law, J.D., 2013
College: The University of Alabama, B.A., summa cum laude, 2010
Admitted: The University of Alabama School of Law, J.D., 2013
Practice Area: Civil Litigation; Medical Malpractice Defense; Employment Litigation; Insurance Defense
Membership: Tuscaloosa County Bar Association; Alabama State Bar.

10. Johnson Russell Gibson, III
Title: Partner
Law School: University of Alabama, J.D., 1973
College: University of Alabama, B.A., 1971
Admitted: University of Alabama, J.D., 1973
Practice Area: Civil Litigation; Business Litigation; Insurance Defense; School Law
Membership: Tuscaloosa County and American Bar Associations; Alabama State Bar; Alabama Association of School board Attorneys; Alabama Defense Lawyers Association.

11. Randolph M. Fowler
Title: Partner
Law School: University of Alabama, J.D., 1975
College: University of Alabama, B.A., 1971
Admitted: University of Alabama, J.D., 1975
Practice Area: Banking Law; Commercial Transactions; Real Estate Law and Litigation
Membership: Tuscaloosa County and American Bar Associations; Alabama State Bar.

12. Terri Olive Tompkins
Title: Partner
Law School: University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, J.D., 1999
College: University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, B.A., magna cum laude, 1995
Admitted: University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, J.D., 1999
Practice Area: Civil Litigation; Medical Malpractice; Employment Law; Insurance Defense
Membership: Tuscaloosa County Bar Association (President, 2009-2010); Alabama State Bar (Board of Bar Commissioners, 2011?).

13. Joseph R. Latham
Title: Associate
Law School: The University of Alabama, Class of 2019, J.D.
College: University of Mississippi, Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College, Class of 2016, B.A., summa cum laude
Admitted: The University of Alabama, Class of 2019, J.D.
Practice Area: Civil Litigation, Business Litigation, Municipal Litigation
Membership: Alabama State Bar Association, Tuscaloosa County Bar Association and Alabama Defense Lawyers Association

14. Sam M. Phelps
Title: Partner
Law School: University of Alabama, LL.B., 1958
College: Auburn University, B.S., 1953
Admitted: University of Alabama, LL.B., 1958
Practice Area:
Membership: Tuscaloosa County and American Bar Associations; Alabama State Bar.

15. Mrs. Michelle Larra Barker Montgomery
Title: Lawyer
Law School: Birmingham School of Law
Admitted: Birmingham School of Law
Practice Area:

16. Stephen E. Snow
Title: Partner
Law School: University of Alabama, J.D., cum laude, 1993; University of Florida, L.L.M., in Taxation, 1994
College: University of Alabama, B.S., 1990
Admitted: University of Alabama, J.D., cum laude, 1993; University of Florida, L.L.M., in Taxation, 1994
Practice Area: Tax Law; Business Planning; Estate Planning; Bond Finance; Probate; Health Care Law
Membership: American Bar Association; Alabama State Bar.

17. Charlye Spiegel Adams
Title: Associate
Law School: University of Alabama, J.D., 2006
College: University of Alabama (B.S., cum laude, 2000; M.A., 2001)
Admitted: University of Alabama, J.D., 2006
Practice Area: Business Law; Labor and Employment; Commercial Law
Membership: Tuscaloosa County Bar Association; State Bar of Alabama; American Bar Association.

The above table lists lawyers practicing law at the law firm of Phelps, Jenkins, Gibson & Fowler, L.L.P.. The number of lawyers in Phelps, Jenkins, Gibson & Fowler, L.L.P. is 15.

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