Home > Nebraska Law Firms > Omaha, NE Law Firms > Rasmussen & Mitchell

Rasmussen & Mitchell, Law Firm
Corporate Law, Securities, Real Estate, Debtor-Creditor Law, Trial Practice, Federal Practice, Bankruptcy Litiga...
Address: 8712 W Dodge Road, Suite 400, Omaha, NE 68114-43419
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1. Wayne S. Rasmussen
Title: Member
Law School: University of Nebraska, J.D., 1976
College: University of Nebraska, B.S., 1972
Admitted: University of Nebraska, J.D., 1976
Practice Area: Probate and Trust Law, Agricultural Law, Business Law, Estate Planning, Real Estate, Securities Law, Business, Real Estate, Securities Law
Membership: Nebraska State (Member Sections on: Real Estate; Probate; Trust) and Iowa State (Member Sections on: Real Estate; Probate; Trust) Bar Associations; National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. (Arbitrator).

2. James S. Mitchell
Title: Member
Law School: University of Nebraska, J.D., with high distinction, 1974
College: Hastings College, B.A., summa cum laude, 1971
Admitted: University of Nebraska, J.D., with high distinction, 1974
Practice Area: Debtor and Creditor Law; Commercial Litigation; Probate Litigation; Trust Litigation; Personal Injury Litigation; General Practice
Membership: Omaha, Nebraska State (Member, Bankruptcy Section) and American (Member, Business Law and Litigation Section) Bar Associations; The Association of Trial Lawyers of America; Nebraska Association of Trial Attorneys.

The above table lists lawyers practicing law at the law firm of Rasmussen & Mitchell. The number of lawyers in Rasmussen & Mitchell is 4.

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