Reddy Law Firm, LLC, Law Firm
Family Law, Divorce, Child Custody, Child Support, Premarital Agreements, Visitation Rights, Adoption Law, Spous...
Address: 1203 South Third Street, Terre Haute, IN 47802
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1. Lakshmi Reddy
Title: Attorney
Law School: Indiana University, J.D., cum laude, 1997
College: Vanderbilt University, B.S., 1992
Admitted: Indiana University, J.D., cum laude, 1997
Practice Area: Health Care, Estate Planning, Appellate Practice, Real Estate, Corporate Law, Business Law, Contracts, Family Law, Cohabitation Agreements, Divorce, Marital Agreements, Marital Property Distribution, Marital Property Settlements, No Fault Divorce, Postnuptial Agreements, Premarital Agreements, Post Divorce Modification, Spousal Support, Uncontested Divorce, Guardianships, Adult Guardianship, Advance Directives, Elder Guardianship, Incompetency Proceedings, Estate Planning and Probate, Family & Juvenile Law, General Practice
Membership: Terre Haute Bar Association; Indiana State Bar Association (Vice Chair, Diversity Committee, 2009).

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