Practice Area: General Practice, Appeals, Bankruptcy, Reorganization and Creditors' Rights, Beneficiary Representation, Business and Corporate Law, Civil Litigation, Commercial Litigation, Commercial and Public Finance, Construction Law, Criminal Defense, Dispute Resolution, Employment Law, Equity and Debt Finance, Estate Planning, Family Law, Guardianship and Conservatorship, Healthcare Law, Homeowners Association Law, Indian Law and Tribal Relations, Intellectual Property Law, Labor and Employment, Litigation, Loan Workouts and Problem Asset Resolution, Private and Public School Law, Probate and Trust Administration, Real Estate Law, Taxation Law, Trusts and Estates, Uniform Commercial Code, Water, Environmental and Natural Resources Law
About: Sacks Tierney is privileged to have attorneys who have reached the height of professional excellence and are recognized for the highest levels of skill and integrity.
Former Firm Names: We are proud to continue serving clients under our established name.
Clients: Reference: National Bank of Arizona. Reference: National Bank of Arizona.
Other Office Locations: We offer remote legal services and assist clients anywhere.
References: National Bank of Arizona.