Practice Area: Business Law, Taxation, Mergers and Acquisitions, Estate Planning, Wills and Probate, Trusts, Bankruptcy, Environmental Law, Litigation, Eminent Domain, Zoning, Planning and Land Use, Municipal Law, and Real Estate Law.
About: Attorney at Law
Former Firm Names: We are proud to continue serving clients under our established name.
Clients: Al Serra Automotive Companies Baker College Best Storage Associates Blevins Screw Products, Inc. Borneman & Peterson, Inc. Bruce G. Pollock and Assoc., Inc.-Realtors Cities of Flint, Swartz Creek Compak, Inc. Extreme Precision Screw Products, Inc. Flint Tax Increment Finance Authority General Motors (local counsel - development of SPO World Headquarters) Genesee District Library Genesee Industrial Genesee Valley Center Grand Blanc Golf and Country Club Greco Title Company Haynes Dental Laboratory, Inc. Hobson Manufacturing Industrial Iron and Metal Co. Industrial Propane Service, Inc. Innovative Insurance Larry Builte Construction, Inc. MEK Investments, LLC Merchants & Medical Credit Corp. Michigan Municipal League Morgan Construction Company, Inc. Obstetric and Gynecologic Assoc. of Flint, P.C. Pineview Estates, L.L.C. Premium Mfg., Inc. Shiawassee County Medical Group Steinhoff Developments Stephens & Winton, Inc. Townships of Montrose, Gaines, Empire, Arcadia, Elba and Richfield Village of Holly and Empire Webcor Packaging Corp. Wolverine Machine Products, Inc.
Other Office Locations: We offer remote legal services and assist clients anywhere.
References: References are shared directly with clients to ensure confidentiality.