Smith & Smith, Law Firm
Bankruptcy, Estates, Appellate Practice, Domestic Relations, Divorce, Custody, Adoption Law, Child Support, Fami...
Address: 208 Gordon Street, Corbin, KY 40702-0699
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1. Marcia A Smith
Title: Member
Law School: University of Louisville, Class of 1975, J.D., summa cum laude
College: University of Illinois, Class of 1970, B.A.S., summa cum laude
Admitted: University of Louisville, Class of 1975, J.D., summa cum laude
Practice Area: Appellate Practice, Bankruptcy, Domestic Relations, Estates, Family Law, General Practice

2. David Ora Smith
Title: Member
Law School: University of Louisville, Class of 1975, J.D.
College: University of Kentucky, Class of 1970, B.S., Accounting
Admitted: University of Louisville, Class of 1975, J.D.
Practice Area: Personal Injury, Collections, Civil Litigation, Trusts and Estates, Domestic Relations, Employment Law

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