Practice Area: Intellectual Property, Administrative Adjudications, Administrative Agency Practice, Administrative Hearings and Appeals, Administrative Litigation, Federal Administrative Law, Judicial Review, Administrative Law, Acetaminophen, Resort Timeshares, Benzene Exposure
About: Languages Spoken:
Spanish, French and Hindi. |
Former Firm Names: We are proud to continue serving clients under our established name.
Clients: Lucent Corp.; Apple Corp.; Datascape, Inc.; TelCom 1, Inc.; TelCom Wireless; Advanced Cellular, Inc.; Ameritech Corp.; Tel Tron Group; Osirus Electronics, Inc.; America On Line, Inc.; Compuserve Corp.Reference: First Valley National Bank, Union, New Jersey. Lucent Corp.; Apple Corp.; Datascape, Inc.; TelCom 1, Inc.; TelCom Wireless; Advanced Cellular, Inc.; Ameritech Corp.; Tel Tron Group; Osirus Electronics, Inc.; America On Line, Inc.; Compuserve Corp.Reference: First Valley National Bank, Union, New Jersey.
Other Office Locations: We offer remote legal services and assist clients anywhere.
References: References are shared directly with clients to ensure confidentiality.