Home > Maryland Law Firms > Towson, MD Law Firms > Stoner, Preston & Boswell Chartered

Stoner, Preston & Boswell Chartered, Law Firm
Civil Litigation, Criminal Law, Appellate Practice, Real Estate, Zoning Law, Corporate Law, Commercial Law, Bank...
Address: 28 West Allegheny Avenue, Suite 500, Towson, MD 21204
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1. Harold L. Burgin
Title: Member
Law School: Georgetown University, Class of 1983, J.D.
College: Emory University, Class of 1980, B.A.
Admitted: Georgetown University, Class of 1983, J.D.
Practice Area: Family Law, Civil Litigation, Insurance Law, Personal Injury, Negligence

2. Charles E. Stoner
Title: Of Counsel
Law School: University of Maryland, Class of 1969, J.D.
College: University of Maryland, Class of 1963, B.A.
Admitted: University of Maryland, Class of 1969, J.D.
Practice Area: Contracts, Estate Planning, Estates, Malpractice, Real Estate, Trusts, Wills
Membership: Bar Fellowship: American Bar Foundation.

3. Charles M. Preston
Title: Of Counsel
Law School: University of Baltimore, Class of 1970, J.D.
College: Western Maryland College, Class of 1967, B.A.
Admitted: University of Baltimore, Class of 1970, J.D.
Practice Area: Administrative Law, Criminal, General Practice, Zoning
Membership: Bar Fellowship: Maryland Bar Foundation.

4. Harold Lee Burgin
Title: Member
Law School: Georgetown University, Class of 1983, J.D.
College: Emory University, Class of 1980, B.A.
Admitted: Georgetown University, Class of 1983, J.D.
Practice Area: Insurance & Worker's Compensation, Civil Litigation, Family Law, Negligence, Personal Injury

5. Erin M. Danz
Title: Member
Law School: University of Maryland, Class of 1986, J.D.
College: Western Maryland College, Class of 1983, B.A.
Admitted: University of Maryland, Class of 1986, J.D.
Practice Area: Civil Practice, Traffic Violations, Criminal, Personal Injury, Traffic/DWI, Criminal, Personal Injury

The above table lists lawyers practicing law at the law firm of Stoner, Preston & Boswell Chartered. The number of lawyers in Stoner, Preston & Boswell Chartered is 6.

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