Tiner, Cobb & Byars, Law Firm
Personal Injury, Auto Accidents, Trucking Accidents, Medical Malpractice, Medical Negligence, Wrongful Death, Fa...
Address: 107 N. Gould Street, Harrisburg, AR 72432
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1. Jarrett Matthew Cobb
Title: Member
Law School: Bowen School of Law in Little Rock
Admitted: Bowen School of Law in Little Rock
Practice Area: Personal Injury, Auto Accidents, Trucking Accidents, Medical Malpractice, Medical Negligence, Wrongful Death, Family Law, Divorce, Child Custody, Adoption, Guardianship, Child Support, Paternity, Visitation Rights, Criminal Defense, DUI/DWI, Drug Crimes, Violent Crimes, Traffic Violations, Misdemeanors, Felonies

2. Kara L. Byars
Title: Member
Law School: University of Arkansas at Little Rock, William H. Bowen School of Law, Class of 2011, J.D., with honors
College: University of Central Arkansas, Class of 2008, B.A., Political Science
Admitted: University of Arkansas at Little Rock, William H. Bowen School of Law, Class of 2011, J.D., with honors
Practice Area: Personal Injury, Auto Accidents, Trucking Accidents, Medical Malpractice, Medical Negligence, Wrongful Death, Family Law, Divorce, Child Custody, Adoption, Guardianship, Child Support, Paternity, Visitation Rights, Criminal Defense, DUI/DWI, Violent Crimes, Traffic Violations, Misdemeanors, Felonies

3. Lohnes Thomas Tiner
Title: Member
Law School: University of Arkansas, Class of 1960, LL.B.
College: University of Arkansas, Class of 1958, B.A.
Admitted: University of Arkansas, Class of 1960, LL.B.
Practice Area: Personal Injury, Auto Accidents, Trucking Accidents, Medical Malpractice, Medical Negligence, Wrongful Death, Family Law, Divorce, Child Custody, Adoption, Guardianship, Child Support, Paternity, Visitation Rights, Criminal Defense, DUI/DWI, Drug Crimes, Violent Crimes, Traffic Violations, Misdemeanors, Felonies

The above table lists lawyers practicing law at the law firm of Tiner, Cobb & Byars. The number of lawyers in Tiner, Cobb & Byars is 3.

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