Practice Area: General Civil Practice, Trial Practice, Corporate Law, Municipal Bonds, Bankruptcy, Workers Compensation, Real Estate, Commercial Law, Products Liability
About: Attorney at Law
Former Firm Names: We are proud to continue serving clients under our established name.
Clients: American International Group, Inc.; Anesthesia Associates of Gadsden, P.A.; Attalla City Board of Education; CIGNA; City of Glencoe; City of Rainbow City; Claims Control, Inc.; WinSouth Credit Union; Etowah County Commission; Etowah County Board of Education; Exchange Bank; The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.; Health Management Associates, Inc.; Liberty Mutual; Mag Mutual Insurance Co.; Meadowbrook/ASI; Millennium Risk Management; Pathology Associates; Performance Claims Service, Inc.; Sedgwick CMS; The Doctors Company; Western Litigation Specialist, Inc.; WAUSAU Insurance Co;APPROVED ATTORNEYS FOR: Alabama Teacher's Credit Union; Stewart Title Insurance Company; Mississippi Valley Title Insurance, Corp.; Regions Bank; WinSouth Credit Union; Superior Bank; Keystone Bank. American International Group, Inc.; Anesthesia Associates of Gadsden, P.A.; Attalla City Board of Education; CIGNA; City of Glencoe; City of Rainbow City; Claims Control, Inc.; WinSouth Credit Union; Etowah County Commission; Etowah County Board of Education; Exchange Bank; The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.; Health Management Associates, Inc.; Liberty Mutual; Mag Mutual Insurance Co.; Meadowbrook/ASI; Millennium Risk Management; Pathology Associates; Performance Claims Service, Inc.; Sedgwick CMS; The Doctors Company; Western Litigation Specialist, Inc.; WAUSAU Insurance Co;APPROVED ATTORNEYS FOR: Alabama Teacher's Credit Union; Stewart Title Insurance Company; Mississippi Valley Title Insurance, Corp.;
Other Office Locations: We offer remote legal services and assist clients anywhere.
References: References are shared directly with clients to ensure confidentiality.