Trusted Attorneys in Union
Email:Vasios, Kelly & Strollo, P.A.
Web Site:
Phone: 908-688-1020
Fax: 908-688-1020
Address: 2444 Morris Ave., Ste. 304, Union, NJ 07083-5719
Fee: $-$$$
Business Hour: Mo-Fr 09:00-17:00
Attorneys in Firm: 5
Establish Year: 1981
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Practice Area: Health Care Law, Complex Multi-Party Suits, Mass Torts
About: Trusted Attorneys in Union
Former Firm Names: We are proud to continue serving clients under our established name.
Clients: St. Paul Insurance Co.; Health Care Insurance Company; Crum and Forster Commercial Insurance; Princeton Insurance Company; Selective Insurance Company of America; U. S. Aviation Underwriters, Inc.; Prudential Re-Insurance Co.; Crawford & Company; Wausau Insurance Co.; Delta Airlines; The M.W. Kellogg Co.; Stepan Chemical Co.; Taylor Rental; Western Industries Inc.; Mac Tools Inc.; Hertz Management Corp.; Underwriters Adjusting Co.; Marsh & McLennan; Masonite Corp.; Muhlenberg Hospital; The Trane Corporation; Bird, Inc.; Snappy Car Rental; The Stanley Works; Computer Sciences Corp.; Utica Mutual Insurance Co.; Waltco Truck; CIGNA; Green Tree Insurance Co.; Housemaster of America; Fitchburg Mutual Insurance Co.; Garden State Indemnity Co.; MEA Realty, Inc.; New Jersey Rent-A-Wreck. Reference: Chase Manhattan Bank, NA, Short Hills, New Jersey.
Other Office Locations: We offer remote legal services and assist clients anywhere.
References: References are shared directly with clients to ensure confidentiality.