Attorney at Law
Email:Vernis and Bowling of Southern Alabama, L.L.C.
Web Site:
Phone: 251-432-0337, 251-432-0244
Fax: 404-846-2002
Address: 61 St. Joseph Street, Mobile, AL 36602
Fee: Fixed Hourly RatesFixed Fees Available
Business Hour: Mo-Fr 09:00-17:00
Attorneys in Firm: 90
Establish Year: 1970
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Practice Area: Civil Litigation; Liability Defense; Insurance Law; Workers Compensation; Premises Liability; SIU/Fraud Litigation; Labor Law; Employment Related Practices; Civil Rights; Education Law (ESE/IDEA); Commercial Law; Complex Litigation; Products Liability; Directors and Officers Liability; Errors and Omissions Liability; Property and Casualty (Commercial Lines and Personal Lines); Construction Law; Construction Defects; Environmental Liability; Private Passenger and Commercial Vehicle Liability; Long-Haul Trucking Liability; Appellate Practice; Admiralty/Maritime Litigation; Real Estate; Government; Family Law; Elder Law; Public Law; Criminal Law; White Collar Crime; Business Litigation.
About: Attorney at Law
Former Firm Names: We are proud to continue serving clients under our established name.
Clients: Our clients value our commitment to privacy and professionalism.
Other Office Locations: We offer remote legal services and assist clients anywhere.
References: Commercial Bank of Miami, Florida.