Home > New Jersey Law Firms > Ridgewood, NJ Law Firms > Vince A. Sicari, Esq. Attorney at Law, LLC

Vince A. Sicari, Esq. Attorney at Law, LLC, Law Firm
Municipal Court, Driving While Intoxicated, Traffic Violations, Drug Offenses, Assault And Battery, Disorderly P...
Address: 12 Chestnut Street, Suite A, Ridgewood, NJ 07450
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1. Mr. Vincenzo August Sicari
Title: Member
Law School: New York Law School, Class of 1995, J.D.
College: Fordham University, Class of 1991, B.S.
Admitted: New York Law School, Class of 1995, J.D.
Practice Area: Criminal Defense, Traffic Violations, Driving While Intoxicated, Criminal Law, Real Estate, Contracts, Commercial Real Estate Sales, Residential Real Estate Sales

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