Ward & Bromley, LLC, Law Firm
Personal injury; auto accidents; wrongful death; civil litigation; business transactions; business disputes; con...
Address: 7 Simmonsville Road, Suite 200, Bluffton, SC 29910
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1. Evan K. Bromley
Title: Member
Law School: Cumberland School of Law, Samford University
College: Clemson University
Admitted: Cumberland School of Law, Samford University
Practice Area: Business litigation; business transactions; personal injury; real estate; probate & estate administration; collections & bankruptcy law.
Membership: Beaufort County Bar Association Hilton Head Island Bar Association South Carolina Bar Association

2. Jason W. Ward
Title: Member
Law School: Walter F. George School of Law, Mercer University
College: University of Kentucky
Admitted: Walter F. George School of Law, Mercer University
Practice Area: Personal injury; real estate; business and construction law; probate & estate administration.
Membership: Beaufort County Bar Association Hilton Head Island Bar Association South Carolina Bar Association

The above table lists lawyers practicing law at the law firm of Ward & Bromley, LLC. The number of lawyers in Ward & Bromley, LLC is 2.

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