Warner, Hooper & Ramsey, Law Firm
Address: 101 World Dr., Ste. 325, Peachtree City, GA 32069
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1. Ms. Malynda C. Hooper
Title: Associate
Law School: Georgia State University, Class of 1999, J.D.
College: Southern Methodist University, Class of 1993, B.B.A.
Admitted: Georgia State University, Class of 1999, J.D.
Practice Area: Fiduciary Law, General Practice, Trusts and Estates, Wills, Fiduciary Law

2. Mr. Douglas B. Warner
Title: Senior Partner
Law School: Emory University School of Law, Class of 1975, J.D.
College: Georgia State University, Class of 1972, B.A., Mathematics
Admitted: Emory University School of Law, Class of 1975, J.D.
Practice Area: Aviation Law, Civil Litigation, Eminent Domain, Fiduciary Law, General Commercial Practice, Real Property Law, Fiduciary Law

The above table lists lawyers practicing law at the law firm of Warner, Hooper & Ramsey. The number of lawyers in Warner, Hooper & Ramsey is 2.

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