Home > Georgia Law Firms > Moultrie, GA Law Firms > Whelchel & Carlton LLP

Whelchel & Carlton LLP, Law Firm
Real Estate, Corporate Law, Business Law, Commercial Law, Health Care, Banking Law, Education Law, Probate, Gove...
Address: 26 Second Avenue, S.W., Moultrie, GA 31776-0758
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1. J. Hamilton Garner
Title: Member
Law School: Mercer University, J.D., 2001
College: Mercer University, B.B.A.
Admitted: Mercer University, J.D., 2001
Practice Area:

2. James C. Whelchel
Title: Member
Law School: University of Georgia, J.D., 1961
College: Emory University, A.B., 1955
Admitted: University of Georgia, J.D., 1961
Practice Area: Civil Litigation, Insurance Defense
Membership: Moultrie Bar Association State Bar of Georgia Georgia Defense Lawyers Association. | Bar Fellowship: American College of Trial Lawyers.

3. Kenneth M. Turnipseed
Title: Member
Law School: University of Alabama, J.D., magna cum laude, 2003
College: University of Alabama (B.S., 1996; M.T.A., 1997)
Admitted: University of Alabama, J.D., magna cum laude, 2003
Practice Area: Corporate Law, Tax Law, Health Care, Real Estate
Membership: Alabama State Bar Georgia Bar Association American Health Lawyers Association, American Bar Association Order of the Coif American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

4. John M. Carlton, Jr.
Title: Member
Law School: University of Georgia, J.D., 1974
College: Emory University; University of Georgia, A.B., 1966
Admitted: University of Georgia, J.D., 1974
Practice Area: Real Estate, Banking, Healthcare
Membership: Moultrie Bar Association State Bar of Georgia (Member, Board of Governors, 1983-1991 Executive Committee, Real Property Section, 1999-2005 Board of Governors Chair, 1985-1986 Member, Committee to Implement Trial Lawyer Competency, 1987). | Bar Fellowship: Lawyers Foundation of Georgia.

The above table lists lawyers practicing law at the law firm of Whelchel & Carlton LLP. The number of lawyers in Whelchel & Carlton LLP is 3.

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