Williams Law, PC, Law Firm
Litigation, Business Law, Complex Commercial Litigation, Franchise Law, Securities, Contracts, Employment Law, P...
Phone:720-214-1861, 720-214-1864
Address: 1660 Lincoln Street, Suite 2330, Denver, CO 80264
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1. Michael Williams
Title: Associate
Law School: Albany Law School, J.D., 2011
College: SUNY Albany, B.A., 2008
Admitted: Albany Law School, J.D., 2011
Practice Area: Corporate & Securities

2. John M. Kuker
Title: Of Counsel
Law School: University of Wyoming College of Law, J.D., 2000
College: Texas A & M University, B.A., 1995
Admitted: University of Wyoming College of Law, J.D., 2000
Practice Area: General Commercial Litigation; Complex Commercial Litigation; General Civil Litigation; Business Transactions; Federal and State Court Cases

3. Thomas C. Thrush
Title: Of Counsel
Law School: University of Denver, J.D., 1976
College: California State University, B.A., 1971
Admitted: University of Denver, J.D., 1976
Practice Area: Workers Compensation Claims; Defense; Pinnacol Insurance Law; State Insurance Claims; Bad Faith Failure to Pay Insurance Claims; Insurance Fraud

The above table lists lawyers practicing law at the law firm of Williams Law, PC. The number of lawyers in Williams Law, PC is 10.

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