Practice Area: Civil Trial Practice, Appellate Practice, Automobile Accidents and Injuries, Business Law, Business Litigation, Consumer Law, Corporate Law, Employment Law, Environmental Law, Insurance, Oil and Gas Law, Overtime Pay Claims, Personal Injury, Probate, Product Liability, Professional Liability, Real Estate, Trusts and Estates, Unemployment Compensation, Wage and Hour Law, Wills, Wind Energy, Wrongful Death, Employee Benefits Litigation, Disability Insurance
About: Experienced law firm serving clients throughout Kansas
Former Firm Names: We are proud to continue serving clients under our established name.
Clients: Abercrombie Energy; ACE U.S.A.; BP America Production Co.; Brotherhood Mutual; BTA Oil Producers; Burlington Insurance Company; Cheney Golden Age Home; Chesapeake Operating Co.; Columbia Insurance Group; DaVita, Inc.; Elysium Energy LLC; Ensign Operating Co.; Fairbank Equipment Company; General Motors Corp.; Gould Oil, Inc.; Harris Oil and Gas Company; J. Fred Hambright, Inc.; JayCat, Inc.; Lario Oil & Gas Co.; Lloyd's London; Messenger Petroleum, Inc.; Mid-Continent Casualty Company; PACCAR; Patterson Racing; PetroSantander (USA) Inc.; Pickrell Drilling Company; Presco Western LLC; State Farm Fire Casualty & Co.; Sedgwick County; State Farm Mutual Automobile Ins. Co.; Stelbar Oil Corporation; Stratitec, Inc.; The Bar Plan; Threshold Development Co.; United Fire & Casualty; Wilshire Ins. Co.; Woolsey Petroleum Co.; XTO Energy. Abercrombie Energy; ACE U.S.A.; BP America Production Co.; Brotherhood Mutual; BTA Oil Producers; Burlington Insurance Company; Cheney Golden Age Home; Chesapeake Operating Co.; Columbia Insurance Group; DaVita, Inc.; Elysium Energy LLC; Ensign Operating Co.; Fairbank Equipment Company; General Motors Corp.; Gould Oil, Inc.; Harris Oil and Gas Company; J. Fred Hambright, Inc.; JayCat, Inc.; Lario Oil & Gas Co.; Lloyd's London; Messenger Petroleum, Inc.; Mid-Continent Casualty Company; PACCAR; Patterson Racing; PetroSantander (USA) Inc.; Pickrell Drilling Company; Presco Western LLC; State Farm Fire Casualty & Co.; Sedgwick County; State Far
Other Office Locations: We offer remote legal services and assist clients anywhere.
References: References are shared directly with clients to ensure confidentiality.