misdemeanors Lawyers in decatur, alabama

Laura Terry, Associate at Chenault Hammond, P.C.
Address: 117 Second Avenue, N.E., Decatur, AL 35602
Practice:Construction Insurance Defense, Construction Litigation, Contractors Liability, Assault and Battery, Criminal Appeals, Criminal Defense, DUI/DWI, Driving While Intoxicated, Expungements, Juvenile Criminal Law, Juvenile Delinquency, Misdemeanors, Shoplifting, Theft, Traffic Violations, Adoptions, Alimony, Child Abuse and Neglect, Child Advocacy, Child Custody, Child Custody Mediation, Child Dependency, Child Protection, Child Support, Child Welfare, Childrens Rights, Divorce, Divorce Mediation, Domestic Torts, Domestic Violence, Equitable Distribution, Family Mediation, Fathers Rights, Independent Adoptions, Juvenile Dependency, Juvenile Law, Legal Separation, Marital Agreements, Marital Property Distribution, Marital Property Law, Marital Property Settlements, Matrimonial Law, Name Changes, No Fault Divorce, Parental Rights, Parenting Time, Post Divorce Modification, Paternity, Premarital Agreements, Post Nuptial Agreements, Qualified Domestic Relations Orders (QDROs), Restraining Orders, Spousal Support, Step Parent Adoptions, Termination of Parental Rights, Uncontested Divorce, Visitation Rights, Guardian Ad Litem, Automobile Insurance Defense, Fire Insurance Defense, General Liability Defense, Insurance Defense Subrogation, Personal Liability Defense, Property Damage Defense, Trial Practice, Defense Litigation, Civil Litigation, Negligence, Personal Injury, Probate Litigation, Tort Defense, Trusts and Estates, Wills
Admitted:2011, Alabama;
Law School:Cumberland School of Law, Samford University, J.D., 2010

Mr. James McCauley Smith, Member at Edwards, Belser & Smith
Address: 123 Lee Street, Suite A, Decatur, AL 35601
Practice:Civil Litigation, Alimony, Divorce, Divorce Mediation, Domestic Relations, Legal Separation Agreements, No Fault Divorce, Paternity, Post Divorce Modification, Postnuptial Agreements, Premarital Agreements, Qualified Domestic Relations Orders (QDROs), Restraining Orders, Uncontested Divorce, Accidents, Animal Attacks, Aquatic Injuries, Automobile Accidents and Injuries, Automobile Negligence, Bodily Injury, Boating Accidents, Brain Injury, Commercial Vehicle Liability, Bus Accidents, Dog Bites, Electrical Injury, Electromagnetic Field Litigation, Head Injury, Motor Vehicle Accidents and Injuries, Motorcycle Accidents, Personal Injury Mediation, Plaintiffs Personal Injury, Slip and Fall, Spinal Injury, Traumatic Brain Injury, Whiplash, Wrongful Death, Assault and Battery, Burglary, Civil Forfeiture, Criminal Conspiracy, Criminal Defense, Criminal Forfeiture, Criminal Fraud, Driving While Intoxicated, DUI/DWI, Federal Criminal Law, Felonies, Mail Fraud, Malicious Prosecution, Manslaughter, Misdemeanors, Money Laundering, Parole and Probation, Post-Conviction Remedies, Search and Seizure, Weapons Charges, Wire Fraud
Admitted:1993, Alabama; 1995, U.S. District Court, Southern, Middle and Northern Districts of Alabama; 1997, U.S. Court of Appeals, Eleventh Circuit;
Law School:Cumberland School of Law, Class of 1992, J.D.

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