Aungier & Associates, Law Firm
Tax Law, Federal Estate And Gift Taxation, Like Kind Exchanges, Tax Planning, Trusts And Estates Taxation, Bankr...
Address: 909 Virginia N.E., Ste. 209, Albuquerque, NM 87108
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1. Mr. Marshall Christopher Aungier
Title: Member
Law School: Gonzaga University, Class of 1976, J.D., , University of Denver, Class of 1994, LL.M.
College: University of Rochester, Class of 1970, B.A.
Admitted: Gonzaga University, Class of 1976, J.D., , University of Denver, Class of 1994, LL.M.
Practice Area: Tax Law, Estate Planning, Tax Planning, Business Law, Asset Protection

2. Ms. Mary G. Wilson
Title: Member
Law School: University of Denver, Class of 1975, J.D.
College: Valparaiso University, Class of 1972, B.A.
Admitted: University of Denver, Class of 1975, J.D.
Practice Area: Business, Business Counsel, Corporations, Elder, Employment, Environmental, Estate Planning, Government Contracts, Labor, Municipal, Natural Resources, Probate, Taxation, Transportation, Wills

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