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Law Office of Sharon Oxborough, Law Firm
Address: 3580 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 2020, Los-angeles, CA 90019
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1. Marcella A Bell
Title: Associate
Law School: University of West Los Angeles School of Law, Class of 1993, J.D.
College: Loyola Marymount University, Class of 1989, B.A.
Admitted: University of West Los Angeles School of Law, Class of 1993, J.D.
Practice Area: Civil Rights, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Trusts & Estates

2. Sharon Kay Oxborough
Title: Member
Law School: Harvard University, Class of 1983, J.D., cum laude
College: Hamline University, Class of 1980, B.A., summa cum laude
Admitted: Harvard University, Class of 1983, J.D., cum laude
Practice Area: Alternative Dispute Resolution, Civil Rights, Litigation, Arbitration

3. Stephanie Lynn O'Neal
Title: Associate
Law School: University of California at Los Angeles, Class of 1995, J.D., Urban Planning
College: Dartmouth College, Class of 1985, B.A., , University of California at Los Angeles, M.A., Urban Planning
Admitted: University of California at Los Angeles, Class of 1995, J.D., Urban Planning
Practice Area: Estate Planning, Civil Rights, Alternative Dispute Resolution

The above table lists lawyers practicing law at the law firm of Law Office of Sharon Oxborough. The number of lawyers in Law Office of Sharon Oxborough is 3.

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