Martinez Law, LLC, Law Firm
Address: 353 Main St., Longmont, CO 80501
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1. Esteban A Martinez
Title: Member
Law School: University of Denver College of Law, Class of 1998, J.D.
College: University of Colorado at Boulder, Class of 1993, M.A.
Admitted: University of Denver College of Law, Class of 1998, J.D.
Practice Area: State and Federal Criminal Appeals, State and Federal Civil Appeals, DUI Defense, Criminal Law, Insurance Bad Faith, Breach of Contract, Appellate/Appeals, Constitutional Law/Civil Rights, Family Law, Juvenile Law, Labor & Employment Law-Employee, Torts & Insurance-Bad Faith, Torts & Insurance-Personal Injury, Employment Law-Employee, Personal Injury, Criminal Defense, Civil Litigation, Consumer Protection, Employment & Labor, Wills, Consumer Protection, Wills

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