Peterson & Kasper, Law Firm
Civil Litigation, Criminal Law, Real Estate, Probate, Trust Law, Estate Planning, Taxation, Family Law, Corporat...
Address: , Ellsworth, KS 67439-0398
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1. Mr. Roger K. Peterson
Title: Member
Law School: Washburn University of Topeka, Class of 1976, J.D.
College: Kansas State University, Class of 1971, B.A.
Admitted: Washburn University of Topeka, Class of 1976, J.D.
Practice Area: Agricultural Law, Criminal Law (Prosecution), Estate Planning & Probate, Corporation, Banking and Business Law, Health Law, Litigation, Oil, Gas and Mineral Law, Real Estate, Probate and Trust Law, Tax Law, Oil & Gas

2. Mr. John L. Kasper
Title: Member
Law School: Washburn University of Topeka, Class of 1978, J.D.
College: Kansas State University, Class of 1973, B.S., , Kansas State University, Class of 1975, M.S.
Admitted: Washburn University of Topeka, Class of 1978, J.D.
Practice Area: Municipal Law, Taxation, Trust, Estate Planning & Probate, Agriculture Law

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