The above table lists lawyers near the attorney office of J. Aaron Cooke. We suggest you contact more lawyers before making any decisions.
Attorney Alfred E. McClure at McClure & O'Farrell is located at 987 S. Creasy Ln. Lafayette, IN 47905. Attorney Allison Ellsworth Stuart at Stuart & Branigin LLP is located at The Life Building 300 Main Street, Suite 900 P.O. Box 1010 Lafayette, IN 47902. Attorney Atty. Geoffrey Andrew Baker at Dowell Baker, P.C. is located at 201 Main Street, Suite 710 Lafayette, IN 47901. Attorney Benjamin Michael Mattingly at Reiling Teder & Schrier, LLC is located at Renaissance Place, Sixth Floor, 250 Main Street, Suite 601 Lafayette, IN 47902. Attorney Brent E Clary at Bennett, Boehning & Clary LLP is located at Columbia Center, 415 Columbia Street, Ste. 1000 Lafayette, IN 47901.
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