The above table lists lawyers near the attorney office of James E. Auxier. We suggest you contact more lawyers before making any decisions.
Attorney Aaron J. Bell at Bell Law Firm, PC is located at Wilsonville, OR 97070. Attorney Melissa Jane Hill at M.J. Hill is located at 8325 S.W. Curry Dr. Unit B Wilsonville, OR 97070. Attorney Mr. Thomas J. Sullivan at Thomas J. Sullivan is located at Wilsonville, OR 97070. Attorney Ms. Linda M. Vierra at Linda M. Vierra is located at 25812 S.W. Canyon Creek Rd., Apt. E305 Wilsonville, OR 97070-5632. Attorney Ms. Marnae M Halter at Marnae Halter Cunningham is located at 29955 S.W. Boones Ferry Rd., Ste. K Wilsonville, OR 97070.
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