The above table lists lawyers near the attorney office of L. Samuel Patterson. We suggest you contact more lawyers before making any decisions.
Attorney Adam Chase Davis at The Hardison Law Office is located at 506 N. High Street Columbia, TN 38401. Attorney Barton E. Kelley at Hardin, Parkes, Kelley, Carter and Bryant, PLLC is located at 102 West Seventh Street, Suite 100 Columbia, TN 38402-0929. Attorney Brian Hay at Law Office of K. Brian Hay is located at 809 S. Main St., Ste. B-2 Columbia, TN 38401. Attorney Clark Anthony Edwards at C. Anthony Edwards, Attorney is located at 39 Public Sq. Columbia, TN 38402. Attorney Daniel Lee Murphy at Fleming, Flynn & Murphy, P.C. is located at 207 W. 8th St. Columbia, TN 38401.
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