Sharon T. Massey, Law Firm
Adoption, Appellate Practice, Civil Litigation, Family Law, Divorce, Custody, Child Support, Visitation Rights, ...
Phone:931-906-0555, 931-645-6669
Address: 221 South Third Street, Clarksville, TN 37040
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1. Sharon T. Massey
Title: Attorney
Law School: Nashville School of Law, J.D., 1998
College: Austin Peay State University, B.S.S.W., 1988
Admitted: Nashville School of Law, J.D., 1998
Practice Area: Adoption; Appellate Practice; Civil Litigation; Family Law; Divorce; Custody; Child Support; Visitation Rights; Spousal Support; Domestic Violence; Personal Injury; Medical Malpractice; Wrongful Death; Automobile Accidents; Criminal; Juvenile Crimes; Driving While Intoxicated; Drug Crimes; Probate; Wills; Trusts and Estates; Business Litigation; Business Formation; Contracts; Real Estate; Buying and Selling of Businesses; Condemnation
Membership: Montgomery County (Member, Board of Directors, 2001-2003; Secretary-Treasurer, 2003-2004), Tennessee and American Bar Associations; Lawyers Association for Women.

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