Practice Area: General Practice, Taxation, Real Estate, Probate, Estate Planning, Trust Law, Corporation Law, Bankruptcy, Personal Injury, Family Law, Banking Law, Environmental Law, Workers Compensation, Health Care, Employment Law, Social Security, Business Litigation, Consumer Law, Commercial Collections
About: Trusted Attorneys in Waterloo
Former Firm Names: We are proud to continue serving clients under our established name.
Clients: General Counsel For: Alum-Line, Inc.; Bill Colwell Investment, Inc.; Crossroads Center, Inc.; Palace Clothiers, Inc.; Waterloo Mills Co.; Community Buick GMC; Community Motors Co., Inc.; Fahr Beverage, Inc.; Kirk Gross Company; Windor, Inc.; Peoples Community Health Clinic, Inc.; Advanced Systems, Inc.; Bertch Cabinet Mfg.; Swicter Aircraft; The CBE Group, Inc.; Aerial Service, Inc.; Bloom Manufacturing; Basic Materials Corp.; Shawver Well; Mike Molstead Motors, Inc.; Cedar Valley Medical Specialists; Next Generation Wireless; Lanmas, Inc.; Rickert Development, Inc.; Rainbow Florists & Greenhouses, Inc.; Smith Chevrolet-Buick-Pontiac, Inc., OMJC Signal, Inc.: School Bus Sales Co.; U.S. Bank, N.A; BankIowa; Bearing Service Co.; The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States; Inc.; Farmers State Bank, Jesup; Peterson Contractors, Inc., Reinbeck; Baird Industries; Regions Bank, N.A.; Wayne Claassen Engineering and Surveying, Inc.; Security State Bank; Fidelity Residential Solutions; Stewart Relocation Services; SIRVA Relocation; Midwest Development, Co. General Counsel For: Alum-Line, Inc.; Bill Colwell Investment, Inc.; Crossroads Center, Inc.; Palace Clothiers, Inc.; Waterloo Mills Co.; Community Buick GMC; Community Motors Co., Inc.; Fahr Beverage, Inc.; Kirk Gross Company; Windor, Inc.; Peoples Community Health Clinic, Inc.; Advanced Systems, Inc.; Bertch Cabinet Mfg.; Swicter Aircraft; The CBE Group, Inc.; Aerial Service, Inc.; Bloom Manufacturing; Bas
Other Office Locations: We offer remote legal services and assist clients anywhere.
References: References are shared directly with clients to ensure confidentiality.