Practice Area: Business Law, Eminent Domain, Immigration, Intellectual Property, Labor & Employment, Litigation, Real Estate, Restructuring, Bankruptcy and Insolvency, Trusts & Estates, Automotive & Aerospace, Biotech & Medical Device, Chemicals & Materials, Colleges & Universities, Construction, Energy & Environmental, Financial Institutions, Food & Beverage, Gaming, Government, Healthcare, Hospitality, Manufacturing, National Retailers, Natural Resources & Emergency Services, Nursing Homes, Pharma
About: More than a century of results and client service that exceed expectationsPeople. Passion. Performance. These are the key elements that have made up the DNA of Hahn Loeser since our earliest beginnings 100 years ago.People.At Hahn Loeser, our people are our foundation. We have built a team of highly skilled attorneys and staff members across the United States who offer our clients creative business soluti...
Former Firm Names: We are proud to continue serving clients under our established name.
Clients: Aetna, Inc.; American General Finance, Inc.; Bank of America/Fleet Financial; Bechtel; Biotronik; BMW Financial Services; The CIT Group; Cargill, Inc.; Case Western Reserve University; Cendant; Chicago Title Insurance Co.; The Cleveland Museum of Art; Cliffs Natural Resources Inc.; Corrpro Companies, Inc.; Country Pure Foods; DAC Group, Inc.; Davel Communications, Inc.; The Dawson Companies; DeBartolo Holdings, LLC; Exxon Mobil Corp.; Fidelity National Financial, Inc.; Great Lakes Cheese; Head USA; Heidelberg USA; Homewood Homes; Hugo Boss USA; Imperial Parking Corporation; Jacobs Entertainment, Inc.; Johnson Controls, Inc.; Kent State University; Liberty Bank, NA; Mid-American Packaging; Moosehead Breweries Ltd.; Myers Industries; Notre Dame College of Ohio; The Ohio State University; OM Group, Inc.; Paro Services, Inc.; ProQuest Business Solutions; Robin Industries; Standard Parking; Safeco; Textron Financial; TransTechnology Corporation; University of Akron; U.S. Bancorp; Winthrop Realty Trust. Aetna, Inc.; American General Finance, Inc.; Bank of America/Fleet Financial; Bechtel; Biotronik; BMW Financial Services; The CIT Group; Cargill, Inc.; Case Western Reserve University; Cendant; Chicago Title Insurance Co.; The Cleveland Museum of Art; Cliffs Natural Resources Inc.; Corrpro Companies, Inc.; Country Pure Foods; DAC Group, Inc.; Davel Communications, Inc.; The Dawson Companies; DeBartolo Holdings, LLC; Exxon Mobil Corp.; Fidelity National Financial, Inc.;
Other Office Locations: We offer remote legal services and assist clients anywhere.
References: References are shared directly with clients to ensure confidentiality.